

Two Upcoming GlideWing Courses

'The Truth That Sets You Free' and 'Tibetan Dream Yoga'

Tenzin Wangyal 1 Rose LGlideWing is offering two upcoming online workshops with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche. "The Truth That Sets You Free: Discovering Your Inner Wisdom Through Practices of Waking and Sleeping" is a brand-new course set for September 30–October 22, 2017. It is followed by "Tibetan Dream Yoga" from November 18–December 17, 2017.

In the first three-week workshop, with Rinpoche’s personal guidance you will learn contemplative meditation practices of the day and sleep yoga practices of the night – powerful methods of liberating yourself from fear and other disturbing emotions – so you may live more fully and genuinely in all aspects of life. Ultimately, these practices are about achieving liberation, or enlightenment.
Learn more and register

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The four-week dream yoga workshop will help participants cultivate greater awareness during every moment of life. We spend a third of our life sleeping, each night moving from one dimension of experience to another, losing our sense of self and finding it again, and yet we take it all for granted. We wake up in the morning and continue in "real" life, but in a sense we are still asleep and dreaming. The teachings tell us that we can wake up to the truth and live both waking and dreaming life with greater ease, comfort, clarity and appreciation.
Learn more and register 

Both workshops are intended to be experiential rather than purely philosophical or conceptual in nature, with each teaching session providing guidance and exercises for formal and informal meditation practice.