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Expanding Opportunities for Practice

New Ligmincha Learning Website and Language Options

LigLearningpic headerLigmincha Learning is please to share two major initiatives that have been under way and are now bearing fruit. First is a whole new look and feel to the website. And second is offering courses with subtitles in languages other than English. has added multi-language functionality, so that the menu bars and links appear according to each user’s preference, making navigation easier. Also, the site is now mobile friendly, more graphics-based and reorganized to help students find the content they are looking for.

More importantly, for the past 18 months, active work has taken place to subtitle and dub courses into languages other than English. In a recent survey Ligmincha found that only one-third of Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche’s students speak English as their first language, even though almost 40 percent of practitioners declare English as their second language. (See chart below for more details.)

To date, the following courses are available in languages other than English:

Estableciendo una práctica meditativa de la tradición Bön del Tíbet, Parte 1
Estableciendo una práctica meditativa de la tradición Bön del Tíbet, Parte 2

Débuter une Pratique de la Méditation, de la Tradition Bön du Tibet, Partie 1

Pierwsze kroki w praktyce medytacji, z tybetańskiej tradycji Bon, Część 1
Pierwsze kroki w praktyce medytacji, z tybetańskiej tradycji Bon, Część 2

Cominciare una Pratica di Meditazione, dalla tradizione Bön del Tibet, Parte 1

Many more courses are currently under development. For example, we are about to release a nine-month-long Ngöndro course in French, and plans are in the works for Spanish and Portuguese language versions of this course as well. Our recently launched umdze (meditation leader) training program will be made available in other languages as we are able to get translators working on it.

In time, Ligmincha Learning also hopes to offer original content in languages other than English by working with Rinpoche’s senior Western students around the world. Our goal is to make access as easy as possible to the rich, diverse and endlessly rewarding teachings of the Bön tradition. And, as a part of this project, we will be releasing at least two new courses this year. Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche has filmed a full Sleep Yoga course that is now in the editing phase. And Alejandro Chaoul-Reich has created a course on the Outer, Inner and Secret Tsa Lung that we hope to make available in the second half of 2020.

You can find these and all of Ligmincha’s courses at

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