
'Tibetan Dream Yoga' and Self-Guided Zhiné

GlideWing Online Courses

profile tenzin wangyal rinpocheGlidewing is pleased to offer an online workshop with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche on “Tibetan Dream Yoga” from June 27–July 26, 2020. In this four-week online workshop, students will explore the ancient Bön Buddhist teachings of Tibetan dream yoga. The workshop provides detailed instruction for dream yoga practice, with discussion of the relationships between dreaming and waking and between dreaming and death. Rinpoche also will provide instructions for foundational practices done during the day and for the uses and methods of lucid dreaming.
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Also available (ongoing): Free self-guided workshop on “Taming Your Mind: The Tibetan Practice of Zhiné” with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche. In these troubled times, a practice for developing concentration and stillness of mind is needed more than ever. This workshop is tailored for beginning meditators but will be beneficial for anyone—including experienced practitioners—who needs support in stabilizing their thoughts and their mind.
Learn more and register

Note: These will be the last GlideWing courses with Rinpoche through the end of 2020 since he is on sabbatical.