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GlideWing Online Workshops with Tenzin Rinpoche

'Who Am I?' and 'The Nature of Mind'

Rinpoche B croppedGlideWing is pleased to offer two upcoming online workshops with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche: "Who Am I? A Journey to Self-Realization," a new two-week workshop on October 16-31, and "Tibetan Meditation: The Nature of Mind" November 13-December 5. Both workshops include personal guidance and support from Rinpoche.

Beginning October 16-31, 2021
Who Am I? A Journey to Self-Realization
This is a brand-new two-week workshop with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche. The primary journey of every spiritual path is to reclaim what has been lost: the truth of who we really are. Once we come to a deep recognition that our true nature is spontaneous perfection, there is no more need to search for insights or solutions, no more need to strive. According to the dzogchen tradition of Tibetan Bon and Buddhism, this simple recognition is the way to ultimate liberation. This workshop is based on a poem Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche wrote during moments of self-reflection on retreat and reflects the deep personal work he does as a teacher, father, husband, friend and spiritual being. Rinpoche will guide you through his poem, line by line, in your own journey of self-discovery.
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November 13-December 5, 2021
The Nature of Mind: Achieving Great Bliss Through Pure Awareness
This ancient Tibetan meditation practice teaches you to enter the state of pure awareness that leads to peace, joy and ultimately, to full realization. These teachings are a direct introduction to the nature of mind. In this interactive three-week course, Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche will guide you through each of the five steps of meditation in the Fivefold Teachings of Dawa Gyaltsen, helping make your day-to-day life lighter and more joyful and enabling you to recognize and connect with your innermost essence, the nature of your mind as a buddha or pure awareness. Personal support and guidance are provided by Rinpoche.
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