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Ligmincha Learning's Upcoming Courses

Tsa Lung and Sleep Yoga

TapirhitsaLigmincha Learning is pleased to offer two upcoming video-based online courses that will begin in July: Meditation, Breath and Movement with Alejandro Chaoul-Reich July 1-30 and Sleep Yoga with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche July 8-August 6. Ngondro, The Foundational Practices with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche can be joined through the end of June. These courses feature beautiful video teachings, guided meditations, readings, journal writing activities, and the opportunity to interact with senior mentors and classmates from around the world.

July 1-30, 2022
Meditation, Breath and Movement: Tsa Lung External, Internal and Secret Practices with Alejandro Chaoul-Reich. Now offered with Spanish and Portuguese subtitles.
Tsa lung is a series of ancient yogic practices that brings balance and harmony to our physical body, energy and mind. The term tsa lung can be translated as the energy-winds (Tib. lung, Skt. prana, Chinese, qi) in the channels, for these practices are designed to open the subtle channels, guiding the healthy flow of the energy-winds so that we can enjoy good health and reconnect with more calmness to a quiet, peaceful mind. These exercises are easy to perform and are suitable for everyone.
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July 8-August 6, 2022
Sleep Yoga: The Yoga of Clear Light with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
We spend one-third of our life in sleep, yet for most people sleep is a period of unconsciousness. Through the practices of the Yoga of Clear Light we can learn to be completely aware during our sleep, open, clear, resting in deep meditative presence. The course will introduce simple techniques to enter into sleep in a healthy, balanced way. Even if we do not consistently enter into clear light sleep, we can benefit from a refreshing, relaxed sleep that gives us deep renewal. This is supported by breathing techniques, physical postures and guided visualizations. Tenzin Rinpoche will also provide meditations to wake up in a beautiful way and step into our day with serenity.
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March 11-December 17, 2022 (ongoing and can be joined through June 30)
Ngondro: The Foundational Practices with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
The ngondro teachings are a set of nine practices that offer complete instructions for taming, purifying and perfecting the suffering mind.
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