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Thank You, Gram Slaton!

Serenity Ridge Operations Manager Moves On

Gram SlatonAll of us connected with Ligmincha and Serenity Ridge Retreat Center offer our thanks and appreciation to Gram Slaton, Serenity Ridge's operations manager. Gram began working at Serenity Ridge in July 2021 and did amazing work reopening Serenity Ridge after the center had been closed for two years due to the pandemic.

When Serenity Ridge reopened for the Spring Retreat last year, there were so many compliments on how fresh the retreat center looked and how well it was running. Gram, who has made a lasting impact at the center and on all those who know him, will be leaving Serenity Ridge, and we wish him all the best for the future! We look forward to seeing Gram at our retreats and sangha events in the future.