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Online Zoom Option Now Available for Fall Retreat in Kathmandu

October 9-13, 2024 on the Practice of Chod

ONLINE fall retreat posterWe are very excited to announce that the Fall Retreat in Kathmandu will be available online on Zoom. Even if you cannot travel to Kathmandu this time, you can still join Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche for this retreat on the practice of Chod. Chod is a skillful method for transforming the fear, aversion and attachment that obscure our true nature, and the qualities of love, compassion, joy and equanimity.

Live translation will be offered in Hungarian, Russian and Spanish!

Deadline for Online Zoom registration is October 8 at 9 a.m. New York time.
Learn more/register

Deadline for In-Person registration for Fall Retreat in Kathmandu, Nepal is by the end of September.
Learn more/register