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Inner Smile of the Heart, Part 2, Full Moon Practice, More

Upcoming CyberSangha Events

CyberSangha logo croppedFollowing our next Full Moon Practice on October 16, you are invited to a November 6 dialog with Guy Desbiolles and host Alejandro Chaoul. Guy will guide us in cardiac coherence, a breathing practice that offers wide-ranging benefits for our health and well-being. View the broadcast at the link below, on Facebook, or on the CyberSangha Community App. Those who RSVP on the app receive a helpful notification before the broadcast begins. If you haven't explored the app yet, you can do so here.

Wednesday, October 16, 10 a.m. New York time
24-Hour Full Moon Practice: Finding Refuge Within
You're welcome to join our monthly online gathering at any time during the 24-hour period. Supported by the rise of the supermoon, in this sacred space we acknowledge personal pain and societal challenges while abiding within the open, clear, warmth of presence - who we truly are. The practice begins with a guided meditation led by Lourdes Hinojosa and continues with 24 hours of silent contemplation alternating with periods of guided meditation. Attendance is via Zoom and is free and open to all.
Learn more & register now

Wednesday, November 6, 2024, 11:30 a.m. New York time
Inner Smile of the Heart, Part 2: Being in Tune with Cardiac Coherence
Expanding on his recent September 4 online discussion with Tenzin Wangyal RinpocheHeartMath practitioner Guy Desbiolles explains and guides a practice of cardiac coherence. The practice relies on simple, rhythmic breathing exercises to synchronize heart rate variability and bring the nervous system into a state of equilibrium. It helps us to manage stress, regulate emotions, and promote overall well-being, including improvements in physical, emotional, and cognitive health.
Learn more & view live

Friday, November 15, 10 a.m. New York time
24-Hour Full Moon Practice: Finding Refuge Within
In November, our monthly Full Moon Practice begins with a guided meditation led by Marcy Vaughn and continues with 24 hours of silent contemplation alternating with periods of guided meditation.
Registration opens after October 17 at

We hope to see you online soon!