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Three New Training Programs Begin in 2025

Du Tri Su, Five Elements and Soul Retrieval To Be Offered at Serenity Ridge

SR from above croppedLigmincha is pleased to announce three new training programs that will be offered at Serenity Ridge beginning in 2025: Du Tri Su with Geshe Denma Gyaltsen, assisted by Khandro Tsering Wangmo Khymsar beginning in March 2025; the Five Elements with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche beginning in April 2025; and Soul Retrieval with Lama Kalsang Nyima, assisted by Khandro Tsering Wangmo Khymsar beginning in October 2025.

The Du Tri Su training program will be a 2-year training program based on the DU TRI SU practice manual, a ritual done for those who have passed away. This training program will be taught by Geshe Denma Gyaltsen, resident Lama of Ligmincha Texas, and assisted by Khandro Tsering Wangmo Khymsar.

Dates of Du Tri Su Training Program:
Session 1: March 12-16, 2025
Session 2: September 10-14, 2025
Session 3: March 11-15, 2026
Session 4: September 9-13, 2026
Session 5: April 8-11, 2027

*Sessions 1,3 and 5 will be at Serenity Ridge. Sessions 2 and 4 will be online.
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The Five Elements training Program will be a 3-year training program on Healing the World, Healing Ourselves: The Five Elements and the Living Universe, to be taught by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche. See the following article for more details on this program.

Dates for the first year of the Five Elements:
April 9-13, 2025: Spring Retreat (Five Elements participants are strongly encouraged to attend!)
April 14-17, 2025: Five Elements in-person training at Serenity Ridge
Online trainings on: June 7, August 2, September 6, October 4, November 1, and beginning in 2026: January 10-11 and February 15.

The Soul Retrieval training program begins in October, 2025 and will be taught by Lama Kalsang Nyima, resident lama of Ligmincha Mexico, and assisted by Khandro Tsering Wangmo Khymsar.

Dates of the Soul Retrieval Training Program:
Session 1: October 1-5, 2025
Session 2: April 8-12, 2026
Session 3: October 7-11, 2026
Session 4: April 21-25, 2027

*All sessions will be held at Serenity Ridge.
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For those who complete the sessions for each program, a Certificate of Completion will be given. For those who wish to pursue more in-depth study in order to perform these rituals for others and receive a certificate giving permission to perform the rituals for others, there will be additional requirements to be met, as well as passing an exam at the conclusion of each program.