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New Five Elements Training Program with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche

Begins in April 2025 at Serenity Ridge

5elementscoverBeginning with a retreat at Serenity Ridge on April 14-17, 2025, Rinpoche is launching a three-year training program: Healing the World, Healing Ourselves: The Five Elements and the Living Universe. The program will be a deep exploration of the five elements of Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Space. Students will gain knowledge of each of the five elements, their qualities in nature, in our bodies, in our psyche, and in our relationships. With this knowledge, students will learn to identify how and why balanced and imbalanced relationships of the elements manifest, methods of supporting or restoring balance, and tools for strengthening the elements of the world, in themselves, and even on behalf of other people and sentient beings.

This program is available for both self-study and for certification. Certification, which requires participating in all three years of the program, can lead to authorization to share and teach the practices of the five elements to others.

Over three years, at in-person retreats and online, Rinpoche will guide participants through study, reflection, meditation and practice of the physical elements, their energetic qualities and their innermost qualities. The first year's focus will be on working with the external world to heal both the earth and ourselves. Students will learn rituals to honor and pay respect to the elements in nature, help restore their balance, and also retrieve and balance the elements within oneself. The practice of working with the elemental goddesses (khandro) will also be part of the first-year training.

Year two will emphasize the energetic aspects of the elements. And the final year will explore the elements from the perspective of dzogchen. It is possible to participate in only a single year of the program based on one's personal interest. However, those who join for all three years of the program may become certified to share the practices with others.

The schedule for the first year is as follows:
April 9-13, 2025: Spring Retreat (Five Elements participants are strongly encouraged to attend!)
April 14-17, 2025: Five Elements in-person training at Serenity Ridge.
Online trainings on: June 7, August 2, September 6, October 4, November 1, and beginning in 2026: January 10-11 and February 15.

Details about the program and registration information will be available at in November, 2024.