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3 Doors Online Retreat in November with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche

Upcoming Compassion Project and Academies in Europe and Latin America

The 3 Doors squareThe 3 Doors is pleased to announce details about these upcoming programs: a special online weekend retreat November 16-17 with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche; the Compassion Project, a nine-month online program beginning in October; two 3 Doors Academies - the European Academy starting in November 2024 and the Latin America Academy in March 2025.

The 3 Doors is an international nonprofit organization founded in 2010 by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche with the mission of transforming lives through meditation practices grounded in wisdom and compassion from the Tibetan Bon tradition.

The Heart of Self-Transformation: Exploring the Medicine of Breath, Awareness, and Being with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
November 16 & 17, 2024
Join Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche and 3 Doors teachers for an online weekend retreat: Exploring the Medicine of Breath, Awareness and Being, on November 16-17, 2024. Through simple meditation practices of breath and awareness, we can bring openness and kindness to our challenges as we rest in stillness of the body, silence of speech, and spaciousness of mind. Discovering an inner refuge, these energetic patterns that bind can loosen and release and pathways of well-being and joy open. Join the warmth of an emergent 3 Doors community as we reflect, practice, and share our practice experiences with each other.
Translation will be available in Spanish and Portuguese. Additional languages will be announced on the webpage soon.
Learn more/register
Read an excerpt from last year's retreat

The Compassion Project: A comprehensive 9-month exploration of mediation as a pathway to compassion for self and others
Taught by Marcy Vaughn and Gabriel Rocco in English; Patricia Vigil and Lourdes Hinojosa in Spanish; and Tonny Maas in Dutch
October 2024 - June 2025
This online course, open to all, offers clear instruction for those new to meditation and support for those looking to deepen their practice. In nine months of online teaching, guiding, group discussion, self-study, and personal reflection, students will find support to build a meditation practice that enlivens their well-being and activates inner resources to meet the challenges of their life.
Learn more
Listen: The Compassion Project, First Class of the 2022 program. Senior Teacher Marcy Vaughn welcomes students and outlines key meditation practices and their transformative benefits.

The 3 Doors Academy
The 3 Doors is delighted to offer its signature program, the Academy, in Europe and Latin America. The 3 Doors Academy is an immersive 2-year program that provides participants the opportunity to engage deeply in the process of self-discovery. Participation involves both online and in-person components, including monthly group Zoom sessions, individual mentor sessions with the teachers, personal retreats, and weeklong, in-person, group retreats.

3rd European Academy starts November 2024
There are still spaces left! The first retreat of the Academy begins November 1st, 2024 at Chateau Frandeux in Mont-Gauthier, Belgium, with teachers Raven Lee, Tonny Maas, Nicolas Gounaropoulos and Walter Hofmann.
Learn more
Listen to 13-minute meditation with EU Academy teacher Tonny Maas

The 3rd Latin American Academy
The first retreat of the training begins March 2025 in Brazil with teachers Alejandro Chaoul, Rosario Arellano, Lourdes Hinjosa, Patricia Vigil, and Carlos Villarreal. More information will be announced soon. To learn more contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it