The 3 Doors Program News
Next North American Academy
Applications are now being accepted for the fifth 3 Doors North American Academy, to be held October 3–9, 2018 at Serenity Ridge Retreat Center in Shipman, Virginia. Taught by 3 Doors senior
teachers Gabriel Rocco and Marcy Vaughn, this two-and-one-half-year program is built around six in-person group retreats and interactive online support.
The Academy is a journey of personal discovery where participants are asked to make an active commitment to daily meditation and self-reflection. A great strength of the Academy program is that it draws upon the collective power of the group for support in transforming personal limitations and leading to actions that benefit others.
After graduation, participants join an active network of practitioners from more than 20 countries, who support each other in maintaining an ongoing commitment to their meditation practice and serving the well-being of others.
Learn more, view teacher videos and apply
The Joy of Embodied Presence
Led by 3 Doors senior teacher Laura Shekerjian, this online meditation program explores the body as a powerful doorway into open awareness and the vibrancy of direct experience. The next four-week session will take place on Saturdays April 21 and 28, and May 5 and 12, 2018.
- Use shifts in posture to open the body, connect with stillness and increase inner stability.
- Use breath to slow the moving mind and deepen relaxation.
- Refine attention to bodily sensation to increase attunement to the present moment.
- Recognize how the immediacy of bodily experience, when grounded in the space of being, increases joy and deep well-being.
Simultaneous Spanish translation will be available for this course via the internet radio app MixIr, and will be audible only to those who wish to use it. Everyone else will hear the program in English only.
Learn more/register
Walking the Healing Path
Based on The 3 Doors Tibetan meditation practices and led by senior teacher Raven Lee, Ph.D., this two-and-one-half-day residential retreat, held at Pauenhof Retreat Center, Germany from June 16-19, 2018, is designed to support those called to a healing path.
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The 3 Doors International Retreat
The 3 Doors hosted its first International Retreat for Academy graduates, current students and teachers in Merida, Mexico from January 4–9, 2018. Seventy participants from 10 countries (Austria, Canada, Costa Rica, Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Mexico, the Netherlands, Peru, United States) attended. The themes underlying the days of practice and conversation included collective wisdom, service to others and growing connections within The 3 Doors community. Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche spent three days with the group, offering practices, guidance and inspiration to carry The 3 Doors into the future.
The warmth and heart of the Latin American collective was contagious, leaving us all to discover our participation in something much larger that we could ever have anticipated.— Phil Tonne
For an extended period of time, we sat in an arc around our teacher, moved by his presence, his open heart and his vulnerability, the trust and warmth opening each of the three doors.—Phil Tonne