Update on Geshe Tenzin Yangton
Serenity Ridge Resident Lama on Extended Leave
Geshe Yangton (right) at Menri MonasteryMany readers know and have met our beloved resident lama at Serenity Ridge, Geshe Tenzin Yangton (Geshe-la). And many also know that he became ill in fall 2017. Western doctors were not able to provide a clear diagnosis and course of treatment, and in January 2018 he elected to return to Nepal to be closer to the support of his family, Triten Norbutse Monastery and Tibetan doctors. After several months of rest in Kathmandu, Geshe-la left Nepal for Menri Monastery in Dolanji, India, where he has been residing and recovering since that time.
Geshe Yangton is still working to regain his strength and energy. During the week of rituals and activities at Menri Monastery related to the commemorative activities on behalf of the 33rd Menri Trizin and the enthronement of the 34th Menri Trizin, Geshe Yangton was well enough to join Geshe Tri Yungdrung in taking a group of Western students on an all-day tour of the monastery and of several sacred sites nearby. All who met with him that day felt great joy in seeing him, paying respect and offering their warm wishes for his continued healing.
With respect to his role as a resident lama, Geshe Yangton continues to be on an extended leave of absence. Ligmincha holds an outstanding offer open for his return at any time. Please continue to pray for Geshe Yangton’s health, full recovery and return to his role as a resident lama within Ligmincha.