Letter from the Editors
Auspicious New Beginnings in 2018
His Holiness Geshe Dawa Dhargyal Rinpoche, the new 34th Menri TrizinDear Friends,
We have lots of wonderful news to start the New Year!
On January 1, 2018, the new 34th Menri Trizin was announced: His Holiness Geshe Dawa Dhargyal Rinpoche. You can learn more below about the selection process, as well as some of the details of his life growing up in Tibet and coming to India.
Bönpos everywhere are invited to the celebrations at Menri Monastery in India during the enthronement, which will take place February 16–21. Let's all be there in spirit!
Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche will be hosting a special TWR LIVE Losar webcast on February 17 with Ligmincha International resident lamas participating as well. Other TWR LIVE webcasts are coming up, too.
The Voice of Clear Light newsletter begins the new year with a wonderful teaching excerpt from Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche on "Longevity, Well-Being and Finding Freedom" from the 2018 Fall Retreat at Serenity Ridge. We joyfully announce that we will now start including a teaching excerpt in every issue of the Voice of Clear Light!
Enjoy a letter from Rob Patzig, president of Ligmincha International, about new projects happening this year, including a NEW online ngöndro course offered through Ligmincha Learning. Find out all the details in this issue.
Also included in this issue:
- Special retreat in February with Marcy Vaughn on "Sherap Chamma: Mother of Wisdom and Love."
- Details about spring retreats on "The Five Wisdoms" at Serenity Ridge and in Vienna, Austria.
- GlideWing's next online workshop on the topic of waking and sleeping, beginning February 16.
- More pith instructions teachings coming on TWR LIVE.
- Meditation as Medicine, a just-released report on a study showing great benefits of meditation.
- Link to a TWR LIVE conversation with teachers from six diverse Tibetan spiritual lineages.
- Lishu Institute's new course of study beginning in September 2018.
- An update from The 3 Doors Outlook for the new year.
- Common Ground among Six Spiritual Traditions of Tibet – a TWR LIVE conversation.
- The latest issue of Ligmincha Europe Magazine.
- The Spanish translation of the December VOCL.
And as always, you can find Rinpoche’s upcoming teaching schedule here on Ligmincha's website.
Sending wishes of blessing, good health and good fortune,
Aline and Jeff