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Volume 19, Number 2 / April 2019

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Letter from the Editors

The Magic of the Moment

Dear Friends,

Happy springtime! A beautiful season marked by an abundance of fresh, new life emerging so naturally and effortlessly from the still and resting ground of winter. Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche reminds us in this wonderful teaching excerpt to let go of so much of our effort, release our striving and judging, and allow ourselves simply to rest here and now in the clear, bright awareness of what is. More

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Simply Resting as the Spacious Awareness of What Is

An Edited Excerpt from Oral Teachings Given by Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, Summer 2018

When you come to a retreat here at Serenity Ridge, or to any retreat with me, you make a substantial effort involving your family, your work, finances, everything. It is an important opportunity for us to engage in the practice and for being in the practice. So when you get here, you want to make the best of it, don't you?

The most important way to make the best out of it is just to be – not to bring the same patterns of neurosis, of everyday life, that you live with. We try to be able to take a break from those, to cut something, to change something, to be here, as much as possible, with full openness toward these teachings, transmissions, experiences and learning. More

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Conduct Is Practice

A Letter About Developing Ligmincha's Code of Conduct

In spiritual communities around the world, people have recently been coming forward to speak about misconduct and abuse – sexual, financial, physical, verbal.

All communities in which there are asymmetrical power structures (teacher/student, boss/employee, staff/volunteer, member/nonmember) face such problems. Reading about the struggle of individuals to expose these situations, come to terms with them, and heal fills my heart with sadness and compassion. Such disclosures have also strengthened our collective resolve within Ligmincha to do more to minimize the risk of harming one another, protect the teachings and preserve our integrity as practitioners. More

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‘Their Blessings Are Here’

An Interview with Khenpo Geshe Nyima Rinpoche, Head of Menri’s Dialectic School

From January 29–February 4, Menri Shedrup Khenpo Geshe Nyima Dhondup Rinpoche, head of the Bön Dialectic School at Menri Monastery, visited Charlottesville and taught at Serenity Ridge. During his stay, he attended a welcome dinner with local sangha hosted by Sue Davis-Dill and Norman Dill, went sightseeing, and gave teachings at Serenity Ridge on the nature of mind from both the Zhang Zhung Nyen Gyü and the Ma Gyü. At the end of his teachings, Rob Patzig, Ligmincha’s president and board chair, conducted a short interview. More

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His Holiness the 34th Menri Trizin Teaching Tour Begins in May

Ligmincha Centers in Europe and U.S. Prepare for the Three-Month Tour

His Holiness the 34th Menri Trizin, Lungtok Dawa Dargyal Rinpoche, will visit the West for the first time since his enthronement during a three-month teaching tour that begins early this summer. More

Attend Sa Le Ö Musical Healing and Meditation Concerts in U.S. and Mexico

First Performance June 9 in Houston, 3 Concerts in Mexico, Final Performance at Serenity Ridge June 22

Sa Le Ö, a concert of profound healing through music, sacred chants and meditation, created under the guidance of Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, will tour the U.S. and Mexico in June 2019. Proceeds from all performances will be donated through Ligmincha International to support children in marginalized areas of India and Nepal, including Menri Monastery in India. More

An Interview with Ellen Coleman

Ligmincha International’s New Chief Financial Officer

Ligmincha International welcomes sangha member Ellen Coleman as the new chief financial officer (CFO) of Ligmincha International. Rob Patzig, Ligmincha president and board chair, interviewed Ellen recently about her background and her goals for supporting the organization. More

Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche’s Worldwide Teaching Schedule

Upcoming Retreats Available on Ligmincha Website

Here is a list of Rinpoche’s upcoming retreats through June 2019. It includes Rinpoche’s in-person teachings at Ligmincha International retreat centers or other locations throughout the world. It also includes his online teachings offered through Ligmincha Learning or GlideWing. More

Spring Retreat and Symposium for Contemplative Sciences

Coming Up in April at Serenity Ridge

Registration is still open for the annual Spring Retreat and a special Symposium for Contemplative Sciences, both to be held at Serenity Ridge Retreat Center in Virginia in April. More

Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche LIVE

Upcoming Broadcasts on Facebook

Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche invites you to connect with him, the ancient Tibetan teachings and fellow students around the world through regular live broadcasts that can be easily viewed on Rinpoche’s Facebook pageMore

GlideWing Online Course Starts March 30

'The Nature of Mind: Achieving Great Bliss Through Pure Awareness'

“The Nature of Mind: Achieving Great Bliss Through Pure Awareness,” is a three-week course with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, running March 30–April 21. This ancient Tibetan meditation practice teaches you to enter the state of pure awareness that leads to peace, joy and ultimately, to self-realization. More

Two Upcoming Ligmincha Learning Online Courses

'Ngöndro' Begins March 30 and 'The Six Lokas' Begins May 11

Ligmincha Learning is offering two upcoming online courses with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche: “Ngöndro: The Foundational Practices” starting March 30 and “Transforming Our Emotions Through the Six Lokas” starting May 11. More

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Opening the Door of Body

An Interview with 3 Doors Senior Teacher Laura Shekerjian

Laura Shekerjian, a senior teacher with The 3 Doors, is a psychotherapist practicing in Berkeley, California and a longtime practitioner in the Bön tradition. Holding master’s degrees in counseling psychology as well as Buddhist studies, she has worked for more than 20 years in individual, group and classroom settings to actively engage her clients and students in the process of self-discovery. Through The 3 Doors she is offering several programs related to Opening the Door of the BodyMore

Longevity Practice of Lama Tsewang Rigdzin

Upcoming Teachings in Pasedena, California and at Chamma Ling Colorado

Two upcoming teachings, in Pasadena, California and at Chamma Ling Colorado, will focus on the longevity teachings of Tsewang Rigdzin (Rikdzin). More

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Student and Teacher

Together on the Path

As students on the Tibetan Bön Buddhist path, we offer our teachers a range of simple and difficult questions. Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche has a wonderful ability to understand human nature, cut to the truth and share his wisdom in his response to these questions. Here is a comment from a student attending the 2018 Summer Retreat at Serenity Ridge and an edited excerpt given in reply by Rinpoche. More

Spanish Translation of VOCL

Link to February Issue Now Available

Look for the translations of Voice of Clear Light newsletters at the top of the Voice of Clear Light website.

Read VOCL in Spanish

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Upcoming Retreats

Serenity Ridge Retreat Center

The retreats listed below will take place at Serenity Ridge Retreat Center, Ligmincha International headquarters located in rural Nelson County, Virginia. To register or for more information, click on the links below, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it  or call 434-263-6304. 

April 8–11, 2019
Spring Service Retreat
Learn more

April 11–14, 2019
Spring Retreat—The Five Elements: Connecting with the Living Universe
with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
Learn more/register

April 14–16, 2019
Ligmincha Symposium for Contemplative Sciences: Body, Breath & Mind
with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche and other researchers/presenters
Learn more/register

June 17–23, 2019
Summer Service Retreat
Learn more

June 22, 2019
Sa Le Ö Benefit Dinner and Concert for Tibetan Orphans
Learn more/register

June 23–July 7, 2019
Summer Retreat—Tummo: Inner Fire of Realization, Part 2 of 3
with His Holiness Lungtok Dawa Dargyal Rinpoche and Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche. All are welcome.
Learn more/register

October 22–27, 2019 
Fall Retreat—Guidance for Living and Dying: Commentary on the Bardo Teachings from the Bön Mother Tantra
with Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche

November 7–10, 2019
Trul Khor, Part 2 and Part 3
with Alejandro Chaoul-Reich and Rob Patzig

November 8–10, 2019
Special Retreat, Topic TBA
with H.E. Menri Lopon Trinley Nyima Rinpoche

December 26, 2019–January 1, 2020
Winter Retreat—Dzogchen Silent Practice Retreat: Turning Inward
with Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche 

To register for any of the above retreats, or for more information about teachings in the Bön Buddhist tradition of Tibet, please This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , call 434-263-6304 or visit the Serenity Ridge website.