News from The 3 Doors
Upcoming Course and Presenting Our Graduates!
Congratulations, graduates! Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, Kallon Basquin, Gabriel Rocco and Marcy Vaughn with recent graduates of The 3 Doors North American Academy, October 2019. Photo by Jude Gorjanc.The 3 Doors is pleased to announce a new online course starting soon and the next 3 Doors Academy beginning in September 2020.
Join 3 Doors senior teacher Marcy Vaughn for the online course on “Igniting the Fire of Creativity” in January–February 2020. Are you living an inspired life? In this course, participants will explore meditation practices that support having a vital relationship with your inherent creativity, to care well for yourself and others, and to awaken the inspiration to express your life fully. You will be supported to explore the power of self-generating sound through following the energetic map of the chakra system within the body and chanting the Five Warrior Syllables. These five sacred sounds from the tradition of Bön Buddhism have been engaged for centuries to remove obstacles and ripen the capacities of the practitioner. This six-week self-guided course includes six prerecorded teachings, released once a week, and three practice and discussion sessions that may be joined in real time or accessed as recordings.
Learn more/register
The next 3 Doors North American Academy will begin in September 2020. One of the main features of this unique program is the 63 transformations or life changes that participants document as they apply 3 Doors practices to their daily lives to benefit themselves and others: 21 in relation to yourself, 21 in relation to family and friends, and 21 in relation to your professional life or participation in society. This two-and-a-half-year Academy program is a deep exploration into applying The 3 Doors practices in real-life situations and liberating your mind to be of benefit to others. This program consists of six in-person group retreats, several live group practice sessions each month on video conference, which may be accessed as recordings later, and one-on-one mentor sessions with a senior teacher.
Learn more/apply