Online Auction June 23–July 7
Part of Summer Retreat Online Activities
Spontaneous Creativity by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, signed and blessed by H.E. Yongdzin Lopon Tenzin Namdak RinpocheThis summer, we are not only bringing Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche’s summer retreat at Serenity Ridge online; we also are offering participants as much of the retreat experience as we can. One important part of that experience is the summer auction, which this year will take place completely online from June 23–July 7.
Everyone who has been to Summer Retreat at Serenity Ridge knows that one of the favorite moments outside of the teachings is our annual auction. This is an especially important activity for Serenity Ridge Retreat Center—the headquarters of Ligmincha International—because it is the chief fundraiser for the year and an important part of how the center covers its operating expenses. In the past it has helped create the Five Elements garden, purchase much-needed kitchen equipment, upgrade the lama house (where Rinpoche and guest lamas reside during their stays), and more.
Etched Tapihritsa glass and standAll are welcome to attend this year’s online auction. Jana Kolarikova, a resident at Serenity Ridge and longtime student of Bön, is busy gathering dharma objects, photographing and describing them, and setting up the platform as this article goes to press.
Many beautiful items will be available on the auction site for you to bid on, from malas to jewelry, thangkas, books and more. We are especially excited that Rinpoche and his wife, Tsering, will be donating a couple of special items from among their personal possessions. We can’t tell you what they are yet, but be sure to go online when the auction opens to find out.
We will be sending out a special Voice of Clear Light notice the morning of June 23 to let everyone know the link to the auction. Be sure to look for it!