Letter from the Editors
Taking Time to Connect
Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche and friends together in Italy, summer 2022Dear Friends,
How do we connect with each other? Or disconnect? In this teaching excerpt from the Serenity Ridge summer retreat, Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche explains how our connections to our world, and to ourselves, are of utmost importance in our lives. It all seems so obvious when you say it: Connect to your family, to your friends, to your work, to nature, to the moment! But what about the obstacles to doing so? The ego's pain body? The challenges? The blocks? Rinpoche's reminders hit home, especially to the Western mind; they offer us not only sound logic and reason for why connections are vital, but the gift of heartfelt words to motivate us to connect even more. And when we feel stuck in certain situations, the truth of the matter is that this, too, is a door to connect! Enjoy this excerpt.
Do you know what the mirror in dzogchen refers to? See the Student and Teacher article for Rinpoche's brief explanation given during the recent summer retreat.
Lots more in this issue:
- See Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche's latest teaching schedule.
- You can still attend the Fall Retreat & Serenity Ridge Dialogues in person or on Zoom! Starts October 11.
- New Edition of Tibetan Yogas of Dream & Sleep just released. And a new A-tri Dzogchen book is coming.
- Serenity Ridge Retreat Center now has its own newsletter!
- Upcoming CyberSangha events.
- Read about the Seminar for Young Tibetologists at UVA, with dinner afterward at Serenity Ridge.
- Ligmincha Learning's online course Three Heart Mantras of Bon starts October 7.
- The 3 Doors Compassion Project begins seventh year starting October 19.
- Mark your calendar for GlideWing's next online workshop beginning in January 2023.
- Listen to Dreamworld Far Flung podcast featuring Rinpoche and students.
- Recent in-depth interview with Tulku Ponse Yigme Tenzin (Jorge Rene) from Shenten Dargye Ling's newsletter.
- Enjoy the photo montage of Rinpoche's recent retreats in Europe.
- View the Spanish translation for the August VOCL.
In Bon,
Aline and Jeff Fisher