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Letter from the Editors

Seeing Through One's Stories

poppiesDear Friends,

What is the nature of the many identities and stories that we've held onto and let go of throughout the years? And who is the I that is so enthralled by them? In the excerpt that follows, Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche refreshes us on what's needed along the way toward resting in the wisdom of knowing yourself.

Ligmincha International is happy to announce details about this year's Fall Retreat to be held in Kathmandu, Nepal, October 9-14, 2024 and registration is now open! See all the details below.

More news and events at Ligmincha:

  • Enjoy several of Rinpoche's recent Reflections of the Day.
  • New CyberSangha offerings beginning May 29 plus learn more about the new CyberSangha Community App.
  • See Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche's upcoming teaching schedule.
  • Register soon for the upcoming Summer Retreats on Tummo, Part 4, at Serenity Ridge and at Chamma Ling Poland.
  • Ligmincha Learning online course on Meditation, Breath and Movement starts June 28.
  • GlideWing's online course on Healing from the Source begins June 15.
  • 3 Doors Academies, Compassion Project plus free online practice opportunities.
  • Read the Spanish translation for the April VOCL.

In Bon,
Aline and Jeff Fisher