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Reflections of the Day

Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche

We are inspired to share several of Rinpoche's Reflections of the Day from April. Here's what he said about them on Facebook:

As many of you know, I often share my daily reflections. These are not lessons for others, but rather insights derived from my observations of the world around me. Through deep self-reflection, I articulate my thoughts and feelings, both to guide myself and to support others on similar journeys. I hope these reflections inspire you to find better paths, just as they do for me.

spring 2023Recognize your ability to support those who challenge you and your ability to love those who struggle with anger. Embrace the freedom and joy that comes with this self-awareness.

Pain is not intrinsic to our true nature; rather, it stems from being disconnected from the natural state.

When our pain identity is triggered, it is essential to connect with stillness in our body, silence in our speech, and spaciousness in our heart and mind. This mindful awareness guides us and protects those around us.

True communication happens when we touch each other's hearts. In this way, whether in moments of harmony or discord, we find peace.

Enduring relationships are not built on temporary conditions such as beauty, wealth, power, or fame. What endures is the connection with the essence of another.

Lashing out at others does not alleviate your pain; it only intensifies it. Instead, give yourself the space to feel and understand your pain. Addressing your own needs with respect and kindness can help resolve conflict and facilitate healing.