Volume 24, Number 6 / December 2024
Letter from the Editors
Shifting Our Focus
Dear Friends,
Are you aware of how often you may focus on what is missing or lacking in a situation, rather than all that is positive and joyful? In this issue's teaching excerpt, Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche directs us to become more aware of this tendency to take a narrow view in those situations, and the suffering that it creates. Read about how a simple shift or change in our focus can lead us toward discovering genuine joy, one that is unconditioned.
Announcing Ligmincha's Bookstore is back online! The VOCL store column returns to feature several items in each issue. Thank you, Jenn, for helping make this happen.
We are happy to share some wonderful pictures from the Fall Retreat in Kathmandu, Nepal. You'll find fun pictures in the Sangha Sharing article & throughout this issue, including a couple pics where a stray dog happens to reeceive some much needed love from both Rinpoche and Rob. The simple kindnesses we show toward all sentient beings seems so precious and needed right now in this topsy-turvy world.
More news and events at Ligmincha:
- Starts December 27! Winter Dzogchen Practice Retreat, open to all, both in person at Serenity Ridge & online on Zoom. Join for the weekend or for all 8 days!
- Hot off the press: 2025 dates for Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche's teaching schedule.
- Read Rob Patzig's heartfelt End-of-Year letter.
- Upcoming CyberSangha events includes a conversation with Tulku Jorge Rene on December 7.
- Serenity Ridge welcomes Geshe Yungdrung Gyatso for December & January. Several events are planned.
- Mark your calendar for His Holiness 34th Menri Trizin's 2025 European Tour. His Holiness will also be at Serenity Ridge for the 2025 summer retreat.
- Ligmincha International's Fundraising update. Join us to support Ligmincha on Giving Tuesday.
- Update on Serenity Ridge Residency Program.
- Registration now open for the Du Tri Su training program beginning March 12, 2025 at Serenity Ridge; Soul Retrieval starts in October 2025; Five Elements Training Program with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche postponed until 2026.
- Ligmincha Learning's upcoming 2025 online courses.
- Sangha Sharing: Enjoy these pictures from the recent retreat in Kathmandu, Nepal.
- Opportunities for deepening your practice with the 3 Doors.
- GlideWing announces 2025 courses beginning with The Healing Power of Sacred Sleep on January 11.
- Read the Student and Teacher article with Rinpoche's response to a student's question about her recent experience of crying during meditation.
- View the Spanish translation for the October VOCL.
In Bon,
Aline and Jeff Fisher
Living One's Life in the Play of Present Awareness
An Excerpt from Teachings Given by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche in Germany, 2024
In this morning's meditation on the three refuges, we were speaking of a presence of awareness in stillness, and a presence of awareness in silence, and a presence of awareness in spaciousness. Very often our tendency is not to see what is present, and instead become stuck on what is missing. It's very important to recognize this.
Take for example the simple experiences of silence. There are many possibilities for the experience of silence, from very miserable to very joyful, from very slow to very fast, and from very low energy to very high energy. There is a joy in silence, and a joy in life. And the presence of joy in life, the presence of joy in silence, is what we need to discover. Our finding genuine movement in the stillness is a joy. And finding your true voice in the silence, or finding a power of your speech in that silence are a joy. And finding amazing, unimaginable creative imagination in the space in your heart is a joy. These are examples of a joy that arises naturally from the source. That is a different joy than the joys that come from conditioned experiences.
For instance, let's look at the idea of being alone.You may say, I enjoy so much being by myself and being alone. The question arises though, are you genuinely happy when being by yourself? Is that an original experience of joy, or do you just hate people? [laughter] Or, do you not have a friend? That's different. Having a genuine sense of joy of your being alone would mean that you are feeling complete by being yourself. And you don't need so many substitutes for that joy coming in the form of other people saying, for instance, that you're great, or having somebody saying that your strong, or having somebody saying I love you, or somebody saying, if you need something, I'm here. If we do need those substitutes, then for sure we need other people around us. However, if you don't need any of those things to feel good, because you are good, and you are realizing that goodness in you, then that is awakening something inside! That is a different joy. Make sure that you recognize the distinction there, and please don't confuse the two and mistake one for the other.
If at any given moment that you catch yourself or someone else not feeling very happy, it's likely because we are focusing on something that is missing, something that is lacking, something that is wrong, rather than focusing on, and feeling excited about, the potentiality in the moment. Feelings of unhappiness will arise when someone's focus is narrowed down to one single thing or group of things that is missing in their life, and in doing so, they overlook all of the resources that they have, and all of the support that they have, and all of the love that they have. If so, then that one thing that seems lacking can end up being their sole focus for the next ten hours, say, or all day and night.
So, you can see that it is one's focus that has to be changed in order to change the mood, and change the feeling, and find the joy. In order to change the focus, you have to recognize what you are doing. Does that make sense? In the dzogchen teaching, being present, and being aware, is the key. And this is important for realizing in our own personal life how often the pain identity is focusing on what is missing; focusing on what our weakness is, what our condition is, rather than on what our potential is. Why are we so stuck on focusing on what is absent and identifying with pain? Because that's the job of pain identity. For instance, sometimes people may say me to me, oh I'm not able to go on your walk this morning. My response is, alright but realize that the less that you walk at this point in your life, then the less you will be walking in the future. So don't go that route. I am suggesting that if you find that it's harder to walk now than it has been before, then find a support and walk more than you are doing right now. And that goes for sleeping more, and eating less, okay? And clearly, it's best to start doing it while you still can do it, and when you still have the ability to do it.
But I want to repeat a very important point that I've said before. My emphasis is not on just living forever; nor is it only about simply improving our sleep, nor about simply improving our nutritional health. Rather, it's about our awareness of our sub-personalities and those things needing to change inside of us. So how do you determine whether a particular behavior of yours needs changing? By simply asking the question, is it harmful? That's the line that's not to be crossed. When you're harming yourself, then you're crossing that line. When you're harming someone else, then you're crossing that line. When you're harming the community, then you're crossing that line. Whenever you see that you're engaging in any of that kind of behavior, then recognize it with the awareness that, no, I do not want to harm myself or someone else- I need to change. And be aware, too, that you have the ability to change it. If you're finding it hard to change, then you have to figure it out. It's only some little behavior that needs to be changed. It's as simple as that, but nevertheless it's important because it's harming yourself or others. So find the ability to change that.
Let's say that due to my health, I find out that I have only one more year to live. It's okay. As far as I'm concerned, I will completely embrace that. That's my time! And my ability to embrace my mortality fully will be helped along by my developing the ability to change some of these personalities within me. If I can sleep well, then I can die well. If I can have control over my food, then I can have control over my peacefulness of death. That's what I'm talking about. I hope you understand that I'm not promoting anyone's simply becoming obsessed with nutrition, or with sleep or with exercise. However, those are just fun places to work, that's all.
And I'm not saying that the work is easy. But, I will say that it's not as difficult as you think it is. I hear some of you say, it's difficult for me. I suggest that you just edit out the word difficult, and instead say, I'm doing my best, and I will get there. Simply change the language. Take the word difficult out and leave it open, and the universe will work toward you and help you. You see, the universe does not need your help to make something good for you. However, you can make it difficult for the universe to help you. Don't do that, just leave an opening for the possibility.
Many of you who know me, know that over all of these years my principal message is always the same, but what has been changing are the ways that I've been delivering it to you. So, one thing is clear: what I'm trying to teach, I am very much working on myself. I do not claim that there is one single answer. And I absolutely do not claim that I know what that is. It's a continuous journey to explore that infinite possibility. If you've heard me teaching over the last thirty years, then I hope that you get some glimpse of that experience. It's a continuous exploration. We're talking about the same thing again and again every year, but it's never boring. That's because there is a life to it! That makes a difference. Unlike some other things, which after just a few times of speaking about them can become boring. [laughter]
So, in short, plan to live long. Regardless of your condition. Focus on changing your behavior first. Joyfully work on it. Together. And when the moment of death comes, be the most happy person dying. Because that's also part of the plan. Living long does not exclude the part of the death. Living long absolutely embraces the part of mortality. That's the healthy way to approach living long, isn't it?
Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche's Worldwide Teaching Schedule
December 2024 and Upcoming in 2025
Here is Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche's upcoming teaching schedule. Many new dates have been planned for 2025. Continue to check the Ligmincha website for updates and additions to Rinpoche's schedule.
Rinpoche returns soon to Serenity Ridge for the annual winter retreat at the end of December. Beginning in 2025, Rinpoche will be teaching in Brazil in January, then to Mexico and the U.S. in February and March. April begins in California, then on to the spring retreat at Serenity Ridge, followed by many places in Europe during April and May, and back for summer retreat in July at Serenity Ridge, then to Poland and Germany for the August summer retreats.
You can find the latest listings and any changes in the Events section of the Ligmincha website or the Serenity Ridge website. Please register for these online retreats through the specific Events box on the website. Updates will be provided on the website as they become available.
- December 27, 2024-January 4, 2025. Serenity Ridge Retreat Center, Shipman, Virginia. Rest in the Wonders of the Natural Mind: A Dzogchen Practice Retreat. Or join for the weekend option.
- January 9, 2025. Curitiba, Brazil. Public Talk: Sleeping, Dreaming, and Healing. Ligmincha Brasil.
- January 10-12, 2025. Curitiba, Brazil. Retreat: Dream Yoga. Ligmincha Brasil
- February 17-21, 2025. Esalen Institute, Big Sur, California. Dream Yoga
- March 6-9, 2025. Valle de Bravo, Mexico. Five Wisdoms, Part 2
- March 28-30, 2025. Houston, Texas. TBA
- April 4-6, 2025. Berkeley, California. Twenty-One Nails, Part 6
- April 9-13, 2025. Serenity Ridge Retreat Center, Shipman, Virginia. 2025 Spring Wellness Retreat
- April 25-27, 2025. Vienna, Austria. Six Lokas. Ligmincha Austria
- May 9-11, 2025. Amsterdam, Netherlands. TBA. Ligmincha Netherlands
- May 30-June 1, 2025. Bulle, France. TBA. Ligmincha France & Suisse Romande
- July 12-26, 2025. Serenity Ridge Retreat Center, Shipman, Virginia. 2025 Summer Retreat with special guest, His Holiness 34th Menri Trizin Lungtok Dawa Dargyal Rinpoche. TBA
- August 11-17, 2025. Buchenau, Germany. TBA. Ligmincha Germany
- August 19-24, 2025. Wilga, Poland. Experiential Transmission of Zhang Zhung, Part 1. Ligmincha Poland
- August 30-31, 2025. Bourg-en-Bresse, France. TBA. Ligmincha France & Suisse Romande
- October 7-12, 2025. Serenity Ridge Retreat Center, Shipman, Virginia. Serenity Ridge Dialogues: Powa
- November 3-7, 2025. Esalen Institute, Big Sur, California. TBA
- December 27, 2025 - January 1, 2026. Serenity Ridge Retreat Center, Shipman, Virginia. Winter Retreat TBA
Annual Winter Retreat Begins December 27, Open to All
At Serenity Ridge & Online on Zoom, Weekend or Full Nine-Day Options
Join Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche for the annual Winter Retreat: Rest in the Wonders of the Natural Mind: A Dzogchen Practice Retreat, beginning December 27, 2024. This year, Rinpoche is generously opening the retreat to all who wish to deepen their dzogchen practice. The retreat will be held in-person at Serenity Ridge and online on Zoom. Participants can choose between the full nine-day retreat from December 27-January 4, 2025, or a weekend option from December 27-29, 2024.
In this retreat, Rinpoche will present and guide a selection of dzogchen practices from the ancient Bon text of the Experiential Transmission of Zhang Zhung, the core of Rinpoche's teaching at our winter retreats for the last 30 years. Experienced practitioners who have attended any of the 5-year cycles of the Experiential Transmission are warmly welcomed, as well as those who are new to dzogchen meditation. If you are new to these teachings and practices, Rinpoche strongly encourages you to register for two free courses prior to attending the winter retreat.
Learn more/register
Learn more/register for weekend only option
Watch this special invitation from Rinpoche to attend the Winter Retreat
End-of-Year Letter from Rob Patzig
Ligmincha's Expanding View
Dear Friends and Sangha,
Quo Vademus is an ancient, wonderful Latin phrase meaning, "Where are we going?" It's a good question to ask most any time. But it is especially relevant right now.
Quo Vademus?
I am writing this letter 48-hours after Donald Trump was elected for the second time to the presidency of the United States of America. And all around the globe there is a movement toward more conservatism, a focus on national identities, border protection, and escalation of military strength. And at the same time, we are in the midst of an ecological crisis in the form of climate change and the fifth extinction, which is already proving to be catastrophic for many species.
It is easy to want to feel despair or to give up - to throw one's hands up and turn away from engaging with the world. It is especially easy to turn away from those with whom we disagree. But that is not what Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche or the Bon teachings tell us to do. Rinpoche always tells us to get closer to our pain and to see in ourselves what we are feeling about the outer world. When we don't avoid what hurts us, when we face it with love and warmth, it lessens, even dissolves.
2024 has very much been a year of leaning in to our individual and collective pain. For me, personally, it has been a transformative year, one in which many of my more subtle pain identities have had to be brought into my practice. Some of which I've made peace with, or at least more peace with. I hope this has been a fruitful year for us all, a flourishing of our practice.
Within Ligmincha, Rinpoche has been so focused on both teaching and manifesting how we can change our lives. When we are hungry, angry, lonely, tired, or sick it can be so hard to practice, even if we are already established in a spiritual practice. It is even harder to start from such a place. And so, without any break from his teaching topics from the Mother Tantra and the transmissions of Dzogchen, Rinpoche has incorporated caring for the body, too. In our retreats we are walking, sometimes miles every day! We are waking earlier and sun or sky gazing! We are talking about sleep habits and how to truly allow ourselves to rest. He and we are talking about the role of food in our well-being. And in what I feel is an especially powerful teaching, he is not just talking about these practices, but he is engaging with them personally and very actively. As he says, You have to make a commitment. We even transformed our Spring Retreat at Serenity Ridge to have a very clear focus on sleep now. And in conversations with many people from that retreat, the discussions, teachings and practice have really benefited many of us. And from those changes, our formal practice, our meditation and prayers, also evolve in new ways and directions.
These changes are extending out into many retreats around the world. Expect to come to a retreat and go on walks with Rinpoche and our resident lamas (you will have a great time!). Expect to talk about sleep habits! And, if you need space to really open yourself to lifestyle changes, come to the 2025 Spring Retreat, where we will again give lots of time and attention to these topics, with an emphasis this year on healing with nature and the elements.
And as Rinpoche is becoming even more accessible in his teaching than ever before, Ligmincha is really putting a lot of energy into training programs that emphasize more traditional aspects of the Bon tradition. In March Geshe Denma will begin a 2.5-year training program for students to learn the Du Tri Su ritual for supporting those who are dying or recently dead. In October Lama Kalsang will teach a 2-year program for students to learn Soul and Life Force Retrieval. Both of these programs will offer certificates of completion for those who only want to learn for their own benefit, but there will be an option to take an exam for a certificate of authorization, which would allow one to perform the ritual for others as well.
Finally, in 2025 we will continue with our Umdze (practice leader) development and training. In the week before summer retreat in Wilga, Poland, we will bring together umdzes from all around the world to share their experiences, practice together, and learn about how to be the best guides possible for their communities of practice.
As His Eminence, Yongdzin Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche has said, do not forget that this is samsara! Until we achieve self-realization, or enlightenment, there will be suffering. There will be unsatisfactoriness. This is the time for us to keep our commitments to our practice, to find the compassion and wisdom of our hearts and minds, and to be a benevolent friend to the world at large.
In service,
Rob Patzig
A Conversation with Tulku Jorge Rene, 60th Full Moon Practice
Upcoming CyberSangha Events
Join us for a captivating dialog on December 7 that delves into the fascinating life and journey of Tulku Jorge Rene as a recognized tulku in the ancient Bon tradition of Tibet. This event promises to be both educational and inspiring, appealing to those familiar with Tibetan Buddhism as well as to newcomers curious about this rich spiritual tradition.
A week later, you're invited to join us in celebrating our 60th Full Moon Practice on December 14, a major milestone for a popular and staple event in our CyberSangha offerings.
Saturday, December 7, 2024, 1 p.m. New York time
The Life of a Tulku: A Conversation with Tulku Jorge Rene
Join us for a captivating dialog that delves into the fascinating life of Tulku Jorge Rene as a recognized tulku in the ancient Bon tradition of Tibet. Our guest will share insights into his extraordinary journey, from his early education in Tibetan language and philosophy to his current studies at Triten Norbutse Monastery in Kathmandu. The broadcast will also highlight Tulku Jorge Rene's ongoing online course, which offers an introduction to the fundamental concepts of the Yungdrung Bon tradition. Viewers will gain an overview of the course's exploration of Bon philosophy, including phenomenology, epistemology, and ontology.
Learn more & view live
Saturday, December 14, 10 a.m. New York time
60th 24-Hour Full Moon Practice: Finding Refuge Within
Join us as we are celebrating our 60th Full Moon practice, a major milestone since the founding of CyberSangha. You're welcome to join us online at any time during the 24-hour period. In this sacred space we acknowledge personal pain and societal challenges, while abiding within the open, clear, warmth of presence - who we truly are. The practice begins with a guided meditation led by Lourdes Hinojosa and continues with 24 hours of silent contemplation alternating with periods of guided meditation. Attendance is via Zoom and is free and open to all.
Learn more and register now
We hope to see you online soon!
Geshe Yungdrung Gyatso Returns to Serenity Ridge
December 2024 and January 2025 Events Planned
Join us this December and January at Serenity Ridge Retreat Center and in Charlottesville, Virginia, for any of the events planned with Geshe Yungdrung Gyatso. There will be free public talks in Charlottesville, an Open House at Serenity Ridge, and two retreats with Geshe Yungdrung Gyatso at Serenity Ridge.
Geshe Yungdrung Gyatso is the resident lama of Ligmincha Poland. He lives in the Chamma Ling Poland center in Wilga, near Warsaw. He also teaches throughout Europe. We are very fortunate to have him here at Serenity Ridge for December and January.
Here is the schedule of events planned so far. Be sure to check the Serenity Ridge website for updates.
Wednesday, December 4, 2024, and January 8, 2025, 6:30-7:30 p.m.
Evening Talks with Geshe Yungdrung Gyatso: Finding Inner Peace.
Free and open to all at the Jefferson-Madison Public Library, Charlottesville, Virginia.
Learn more/register
Saturday, December 7, 2024, 9:30-11:30 a.m.
Open House at Serenity Ridge with Geshe Yungdrung Gyatso
Free and open to all. We invite you to share joy, warmth, and community with neighbors, sangha, and friends new and old!
Learn more/register
Sunday, December 15, 2024, 9:00 a.m-5:30 p.m. at Serenity Ridge Retreat Center
The Four Wheels of Bon with Geshe Yungdrung Gyatso
Geshe Yungdrung Gyatso will teach on The Four Wheels of Bon: the essential and key practices of Yungdrung Bon, from the view of dzogchen, including right conduct in everyday life.
Learn more/register
January 5-11, 2025 at Serenity Ridge Retreat Center and On Zoom
Tummo Practice Retreat with Geshe Yungdrung Gyatso
Join us this January for a Tummo Practice Retreat at Serenity Ridge! Tummo is a powerful practice for clearing obstacles to meditation, and building health in body, speech and mind. Attend in person from one to seven days at Serenity Ridge. You may also join the full practice retreat online via Zoom.
Learn more/register for in-person
Learn more/register for online
Save the Dates!
2025 European Teaching Tour of His Holiness the 34th Menri Trizin Rinpoche
His Holiness the 34th Menri Trizin Rinpoche's teaching tour in Europe looks to be a deeply enriching experience for followers of Yungdrung Bon. He will be teaching in Wilga, Poland beginning in April 2025, then to France, Germany and Hungary in May, back to Poland, then to London, United Kingdom in June. His Holiness will also be traveling to the U.S. for the Summer Retreat at Serenity Ridge Retreat Center from July 12-26.
Here's a summary of the scheduled venues and dates that the Yungdrung Bon Monastic Centre Society has published:
April 29-May 4, 2025. Chamma Ling, Wilga, Poland
May 8-11, 2025. Shenten Dargye Ling, Blou, France
May 16-18, 2025. Ligmincha Berlin, Berlin, Germany
May 23-25, 2025. Ligmincha Hungary, Budapest, Hungary
May 31-June 1, 2025. Tazig Samten Ling, Lauris, France
June 6-8, 2025. Sardza Ling, Pyszki, Poland
June 21-22, 2025. Tibetan Yungdrung Bon Study Centre, London, United Kingdom
This tour will provide a valuable opportunity for practitioners to receive teachings and guidance directly from His Holiness. If you need more information or specific details about the events, please contact the relevant Center.
Please Support Ligmincha
Join Us for GivingTuesday on December 3
We have been humbled by the support of all the individuals who have contributed to Rinpoche's vision and our mission through their practice, charitable gifts, and volunteering. Please join in support of Ligmincha in our first GivingTuesday on December 3, 2024.
Thanks to your generosity we have crossed the 50% mark for this year's fundraising campaign. With the help of your support, we are planning new training programs in 2025, and we are also making much needed repairs and improvements at Serenity Ridge Retreat Center.
However, the success of these programs and more depends on reaching our year-end goal of $200,000.
Your gift, no matter the size, makes a difference.
We are deeply grateful for your commitment to making the world a better place through the teachings of Bon and Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche.
Donate via Credit Card, ACH, E-check, PayPal or Apple Google Pay
Donate via Venmo & Crypto
Join Us for GivingTuesday the Global Day of Giving on December 3, 2024
On December 3, 2024, Ligmincha International will be participating in our first GivingTuesday and we need your help! Will you please support us on this day?
On December 3, 2024, people all around the world are coming together to tap into the power of human connection, strengthen communities and change our world by financially supporting the organizations that matter to them.
By joining the GivingTuesday movement, your generosity helps to expand our offerings and teachings.
Here is how you can help:
- Mark your calendar to remember GivingTuesday on Tues., Dec. 3.
- Give. On December 3, go to Ligmincha.org and make a donation.
- Spread the word. Encourage your friends and family to join in creating real impact on December 3 by sharing what our mission means to you and why you support Ligmincha. Make sure to use the hashtag #GivingTuesday and tag us (#Ligmincha) so that we can share!
Let's rally together to build stronger communities and spread our sacred teachings.
Du Tri Su Training Program Begins in March 2025, Soul Retrieval in October 2025
Five Elements Training Postponed Until 2026
Ligmincha is pleased to offer two new training programs at Serenity Ridge beginning in 2025: Du Tri Su with Geshe Denma Gyaltsen, assisted by Khandro Tsering Wangmo Khymsar beginning in March 2025; and Soul Retrieval with Lama Kalsang Nyima, assisted by Khandro Tsering Wangmo Khymsar beginning in October 2025. Registration is now open for the first Du Tri Su retreat to be held March 12-16 at Serenity Ridge.
The Du Tri Su training program is a 2-year training program to learn the Du Tri Su Drip Jong, the Yungdrung Bon Ritual for Escorting the Consciousness of the Deceased, from the text:The Lamp that Dispels Darkness: The Practice Manual of the Du Tri Su that Purifies Defilements and Liberates All Beings from the Depths of Samsara.
This teaching and training of the Du Tri Su Drip Jong are important for Bon practitioners who would like more support for their own preparations for dying, as well as for students who want to benefit those who have died.
This cycle of in-person and online retreats is being taught by Geshe Denma Gyaltsen and assisted by Khandro Tsering Wangmo Khymsar, and will consist of three in-person and two online retreats over two and a half years. There will also be monthly teachings and practice sessions. Students can choose from two tracks being offered. For those who want to practice this on behalf of others, a final certification exam will be offered, leading to a certificate of authorization. For students more interested in furthering their own practice, a Certificate of Completion is available without the requirement of a final exam.
Translation into Spanish: Live simultaneous translation into Spanish will be available for all sessions.
Dates of DU TRI SU Training Program:
Session 1: March 12-16, 2025, at Serenity Ridge
Session 2: September 10-14, 2025, online
Session 3: March 11-15, 2026, at Serenity Ridge
Session 4: September 9-13, 2026, online
Session 5: April 8-11, 2027, at Serenity Ridge
Learn more
Submit application
The Soul Retrieval training program begins in October, 2025, and will be taught by Lama Kalsang Nyima, resident lama of Ligmincha Mexico, and assisted by Khandro Tsering Wangmo Khymsar.
Dates of the Soul Retrieval Training Program:
Session 1: October 1-5, 2025
Session 2: April 8-12, 2026
Session 3: October 7-11, 2026
Session 4: April 21-25, 2027
*All sessions will be held at Serenity Ridge.
Receive updates about the Soul Retrieval program details and to be notified when registration opens
For those who complete the sessions for each program, a Certificate of Completion will be given. For those who wish to pursue more in-depth study in order to perform these rituals for others and receive a certificate giving permission to perform the rituals for others, there will be additional requirements to be met, as well as passing an exam at the conclusion of each program.
The Five Elements Training Program with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche is postponed until 2026.
Ligmincha Learning's 2025 Online Courses
Ngondro, Sleep Yoga, Five Elements Begin in March 2025
Ligmincha Learning is pleased to announce several online courses for 2025. Ngondro, Sleep Yoga and Five Elements with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche will be offered in March. Stay tuned for more courses to be announced soon on the Ligmincha Learning website.
These online courses feature beautiful video teachings, guided meditations, readings, journal writing activities, and the opportunity to interact with senior mentors and classmates from around the world.
Meditation, Breath and Movement: Tsa Lung External Internal and Secret Practices
November 29-December 29, 2024
with Alejandro Chaoul
(Spanish & Portuguese subtitles available)
Tsa lung is a series of ancient yogic practices that brings balance and harmony to our physical body, energy and mind. The term tsa lung can be translated as the energy-winds (Tibetan lung, Skt. prana, Chinese qi) in the channels, for these practices are designed to open the subtle channels, guiding the healthy flow of the energy-winds so that we can enjoy good health and reconnect with more calmness to a quiet, peaceful mind. These exercises are easy to perform and are beneficial for everyone.
Learn more/register
Ngondro: The Foundational Practices
March 7- December 21, 2025
The ngondro teachings are a set of nine practices that offer complete instructions for taming, purifying and perfecting the suffering mind. Although these practices are considered the foundation for entrance into the five-part cycle of Tibetan Bon dzogchen teachings, the highest teachings on the nature of mind, many practitioners adopt the ngondro as their main meditation and complete the nine sets of 100,000 repetitions over the course of a lifetime. Within each is contained the entire path to liberation. They are considered to be the foundational practices for the entire tradition.
Learn more
Sleep Yoga: The Yoga of Clear Light
March 21-April 20, 2025
with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
We spend one-third of our life in sleep, yet for most people sleep is a period of unconsciousness. Through the practices of the Yoga of Clear Light we can learn to be completely aware during our sleep, open, clear, resting in deep meditative presence. But how do we get from our current stress and disrupted sleep patterns to the state of clear light?
The course will introduce simple techniques to enter into sleep in a healthy, balanced way.
Learn more
The Five Elements, Healing with Form Energy and Light
March 28-May 11, 2025
with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
This course provides a thorough introduction to the Five Elements practices of the Bon tradition, which bring a life filled with balance and harmony.
Learn more
Free courses; enroll at any time. Starting a Meditation Practice; The True Source of Healing; Living with Joy, Dying in Peace
Learn more at ligminchalearning.com.
Sangha Sharing
Glimpses from the Kathmandu Retreat
It has been almost 25 years since Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche's last retreat in Kathmandu, Nepal, back in 2000. This October, Ligmincha's Fall Retreat on Chod: Awakening Confidence by Taking Fear as a Path was held there. What a special place to learn the Chod practice, to be surrounded by ancient and sacred power places such as Boudhanath and Swayambhu, and to connect to Rinpoche's precious root teacher, His Eminence, Yongdzin Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche within the rich setting of Triten Norbutse Monastery, situated at the base of historic Nagarjun Hill.
Enjoy these photos from the retreat!
Newly Scheduled: 2025 GlideWing Workshops
With Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
GlideWing is happy to announce the newly scheduled 2025 online video workshops with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche beginning in January with The Healing Power of Sacred Sleep. All workshops listed below feature personal support and guidance throughout from Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche.
January 11-February 2, 2025, The Healing Power of Sacred Sleep
In this three-week workshop, Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche merges the timeless practices of the ancient Tibetan teachings with latest insights on the science of sleep. Rinpoche's compassionate yet powerful approach addresses not only the surface symptoms of sleep difficulties but also the root causes, including anxiety and deep-seated physical and emotional tension as some of the most significant contributors to insomnia. By combining science and ancient Tibetan wisdom, this course offers a transformative path toward restful sleep, inner peace, and improved overall well-being.
Learn more/register
February 15-March 9, 2025, Awakening the Sacred Body
Over the three weeks you will learn simple, life-changing practices of Tibetan yoga that have been used for thousands of years to open and awaken the energy centers and channels of the subtle energy body. By clearing uncomfortable emotions and other obscurations, they can open the space from which joy, love, compassion and other positive qualities spontaneously manifest.
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May 3-25, 2025, Tibetan Meditation: Achieving Great Bliss Through Pure Awareness
This ancient Tibetan meditation practice helps you to enter a state of pure awareness that can bring you peace, joy, and ultimately, full realization. Over the three weeks, Rinpoche guides you through a series of five simple yet profound meditations known as the Fivefold Teachings of Dawa Gyaltsen.
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June 7-July 6, 2025, Tibetan Dream Yoga
In this four-week workshop, students will explore and practice the ancient Bon Buddhist teachings of Tibetan dream yoga. The workshop provides detailed instruction for dream yoga practice, with discussions of the relationships between dreaming and waking and between dreaming and death. Rinpoche also will provide instructions for foundational practices done during the day and instructions for the uses and methods of lucid dreaming. Spanish subtitles available.
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July 19-August 10, 2025, The Truth That Sets You Free
Through guided practices of sleep yoga and other dzogchen meditations, this three-week workshop supports you in becoming liberated from fear and other disturbing emotions so you may live more fully and genuinely in all aspects of life. Ultimately, the course is about achieving final liberation, or enlightenment.
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Upcoming: Tibetan Sound Healing, TBA; A Journey to Self-Realization, TBA
Ongoing. Focusing and Calming Your Mind, The Tibetan Practice of Zhine, a free two-week self-guided online workshop.
Learn more at glidewing.com
Opportunities for Deepening Your Practice in Community with The 3 Doors
International Practice Day and Academies in Europe and Latin America
The 3 Doors is an international nonprofit organization founded in 2010 by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche with the mission of transforming lives through meditation practices grounded in wisdom and compassion from the Tibetan Bon tradition. Upcoming opportunities in 2025 include: International Practice Day on January 18, 2025; The 3 Doors Academy in Europe has extended its application deadline to January 31, 2025, and the 3rd Latin American Academy will have its first retreat in March 2025, in Brazil; Plus there are many opportunities for guided meditation practice groups on Zoom.
January 18, 2025, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. New York time.
International Practice Day - Free and Open to All
Come together online on Zoom with the global 3 Doors community. Experience the joy and power of collective support as we deepen our capacity to reflect upon our lives and rest and renew in refuge. This will be a day to refresh and nourish our vibrancy of being and to dedicate the benefit of our practice to others as we settle into the new year. This event is beginner friendly and suitable for all. Attendance is free.
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The 3 Doors Academy
The 3 Doors is delighted to offer its signature program in Europe and Latin America. The 3 Doors Academy is an immersive 2.5 year program that provides participants the opportunity to engage deeply in the process of self-discovery. Participation involves both online and in-person components, including monthly group Zoom sessions, individual mentor sessions with the teachers, personal retreats, and weeklong, in-person, group retreats.
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3rd European Academy Applications Extended Until January 31, 2025
The first week in November the EU Academy held their first retreat at Chateau Frandeux in Mont-Gauthier, Belgium, with teachers Raven Lee, Tonny Maas, Nicolas Gounaropoulos and Walter Hofmann. They continue to welcome applications from those interested in joining this life-transforming program.
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Watch/Listen to EU Academy teacher Tonny Maas describe the experience of the Academy
3rd Latin American Academy
The first retreat of this training begins in March, 2025, in Brazil with teachers Alejandro Chaoul, Rosario Arellano, Lourdes Hinojosa, Patricia Vigil, and Carlos Villarreal. More information will be announced soon. To learn more contact
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Practice Groups
Many 3 Doors Presenters and Teachers offer ongoing opportunities to gather for guided meditation practice, often for free. These weekly and bi-weekly gatherings support practitioners to maintain, deepen, and further explore practice in the support of community.
Weekly Practice of Body, Speech and Mind: A Thursday Evening Meditation Practice
Online via Zoom. Every Thursday, 8:00-8:45 p.m. New York time. Teachers: 3 Doors Presenters of North America. Open to all.
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Thursday Practice Group with practitioners and teachers from Latin America
Online via Zoom. Every second Thursday, 8:30 p.m. Brazil time. Teachers: Alejandro Chaoul, Rosario Arellano, Lourdes Hinojosa, Patricia Vigil, Carlos Villarreal. Open to all.
Learn more
To find a list of additional practice groups hosted by 3 Doors Teachers and Presenters around the world visit https://the3doors.org/practice-groups/
Student and Teacher
Together on the Path
Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche responds to a student's question regarding her experience of crying during meditation practice. This excerpt is from the webcast series on Tapping into Relationships to Nourish Your Soul, July 2015, Part 6, of a free, yearlong course on The True Source of Healing. See more on the Cybersangha website.
Student: It seems that lately I cannot stop crying during the meditation. Is that okay?
Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche: Yes, of course it's okay. Allow those feelings. Experience those feelings and express those feelings. It's completely okay to feel that. Even for me, my eyes fill up a little bit with tears. It's completely okay to release that.
Sometimes these tears are tears of releasing pain, sometimes these tears are tears of arising joy. So, whatever it is, in any case, it is good to feel that and release it. Because if you don't release the pain, then you don't feel the space; if you don't feel the space, then you will not feel the love, you will not feel the connection. These qualities of love, connection and joy are already arising with the release of pain and anger. So, it's important to release that.
Spanish Translation of VOCL
Link to October 2024 Issue Now Available
Look for the translations of Voice of Clear Light newsletters at the top of the VOCL website.