
Du Tri Su Training Program Begins in March 2025, Soul Retrieval in October 2025

Five Elements Training Postponed Until 2026

Ligmincha is pleased to offer two new training programs at Serenity Ridge beginning in 2025: Du Tri Su with Geshe Denma Gyaltsen, assisted by Khandro Tsering Wangmo Khymsar beginning in March 2025; and Soul Retrieval with Lama Kalsang Nyima, assisted by Khandro Tsering Wangmo Khymsar beginning in October 2025. Registration is now open for the first Du Tri Su retreat to be held March 12-16 at Serenity Ridge.

DuTriSu posterThe Du Tri Su training program is a 2-year training program to learn the Du Tri Su Drip Jong, the Yungdrung Bon Ritual for Escorting the Consciousness of the Deceased, from the text:The Lamp that Dispels Darkness: The Practice Manual of the Du Tri Su that Purifies Defilements and Liberates All Beings from the Depths of Samsara.

This teaching and training of the Du Tri Su Drip Jong are important for Bon practitioners who would like more support for their own preparations for dying, as well as for students who want to benefit those who have died.

This cycle of in-person and online retreats is being taught by Geshe Denma Gyaltsen and assisted by Khandro Tsering Wangmo Khymsar, and will consist of three in-person and two online retreats over two and a half years. There will also be monthly teachings and practice sessions. Students can choose from two tracks being offered. For those who want to practice this on behalf of others, a final certification exam will be offered, leading to a certificate of authorization. For students more interested in furthering their own practice, a Certificate of Completion is available without the requirement of a final exam.

Translation into Spanish: Live simultaneous translation into Spanish will be available for all sessions.

Dates of DU TRI SU Training Program:
Session 1: March 12-16, 2025, at Serenity Ridge
Session 2: September 10-14, 2025, online
Session 3: March 11-15, 2026, at Serenity Ridge
Session 4: September 9-13, 2026, online
Session 5: April 8-11, 2027, at Serenity Ridge
Learn more
Submit application

The Soul Retrieval training program begins in October, 2025, and will be taught by Lama Kalsang Nyima, resident lama of Ligmincha Mexico, and assisted by Khandro Tsering Wangmo Khymsar.

Dates of the Soul Retrieval Training Program:
Session 1: October 1-5, 2025
Session 2: April 8-12, 2026
Session 3: October 7-11, 2026
Session 4: April 21-25, 2027
*All sessions will be held at Serenity Ridge.
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For those who complete the sessions for each program, a Certificate of Completion will be given. For those who wish to pursue more in-depth study in order to perform these rituals for others and receive a certificate giving permission to perform the rituals for others, there will be additional requirements to be met, as well as passing an exam at the conclusion of each program.

The Five Elements Training Program with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche is postponed until 2026.