Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche's Worldwide Teaching Schedule
Upcoming in 2025
Here is Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche's upcoming teaching schedule. Rinpoche will be traveling a lot beginning with the celebration in Nepal for H.E. Yongdzin Rinpoche's 100th birthday in early February. Rinpoche's schedule includes retreats throughout the year in the U.S., Mexico, Austria, the Netherlands, France, Germany, and Poland.
You can find the latest listings and any changes in the Events section of the Ligmincha website or the Serenity Ridge website. Please register for these online retreats through the specific Events box on the website. Updates will be provided on the website as they become available.
- February 17-21, 2025. Esalen Institute, Big Sur, California. Dream Yoga
- March 6-9, 2025. Valle de Bravo, Mexico. Five Wisdoms, Part 2
- March 28-30, 2025. Houston, Texas. TBA
- April 4-6, 2025. Berkeley, California. Twenty-One Nails, Part 6
- April 9-13, 2025. Serenity Ridge Retreat Center, Shipman, Virginia. 2025 Spring Wellness Retreat
- April 25-27, 2025. Vienna, Austria. Six Lokas. Ligmincha Austria
- May 9-11, 2025. Amsterdam, Netherlands. The Six Lamps, Part 4. Ligmincha Netherlands
- May 30-June 1, 2025. Bulle, France. TBA. Ligmincha France & Suisse Romande
- July 12-26, 2025. Serenity Ridge Retreat Center, Shipman, Virginia. 2025 Summer Retreat with special guest, His Holiness 34th Menri Trizin Lungtok Dawa Dargyal Rinpoche. TBA
- August 11-17, 2025. Buchenau, Germany. TBA. Ligmincha Germany
- August 19-24, 2025. Wilga, Poland. Experiential Transmission of Zhang Zhung, Part 1. Ligmincha Poland
- August 30-31, 2025. Bourg-en-Bresse, France. TBA. Ligmincha France & Suisse Romande
- October 7-12, 2025. Serenity Ridge Retreat Center, Shipman, Virginia. Serenity Ridge Dialogues: Powa
- November 3-7, 2025. Esalen Institute, Big Sur, California. TBA
- January 2-10, 2026. Serenity Ridge Retreat Center, Shipman, Virginia. Winter Retreat: Dzogchen Practice Retreat