Awakening the Sacred Body
GlideWing Online Workshop Begins February 15
GlideWing is pleased to offer Awakening the Sacred Body, a three-week online video workshop with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, from February 15 to March 9, 2025. Over the three weeks you will learn simple, life-changing practices of Tibetan yoga that have been used for thousands of years to open and awaken the energy centers and channels of the subtle energy body. By clearing uncomfortable emotions and other obscurations, they can open the space from which joy, love, compassion and other positive qualities spontaneously manifest.
Learn more/register
Find more in Rinpoche's book on Awakening the Sacred Body, available at Ligmincha's Bookstore.
Upcoming: Tibetan Meditation- Achieving Great Bliss Through Pure Awareness; Tibetan Dream Yoga; The Truth that Sets You Free
Ongoing:Focusing and Calming Your Mind, The Tibetan Practice of Zhine, a free two-week self-guided online workshop.
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